Maurice Sendak

Very sad to hear about the passing of the great author and illustrator Maurice Sendak.  I’m not using the word ‘children’s’ because his books are as appealing to adults.  The best pop-up book ever, Mommy (or Mummy? here in Australia) with Arthur Yorinks, is inspiration for our Continuity Ritual exhibition.

Mummy? Continue reading Maurice Sendak

Sign a petition to support gay marriage

The Labor Party’s National Conference is under a month away and now is the opportunity to support same-sex marriage by signing an online petition to the Prime Minister.  Please click here to open a new window to the GetUp Action for Australia site to learn more and let your voice be heard.

Lock the Gate

Please join the protest against coal seam gas mining on agricultural land by supporting Australian farmers at Lock the Gate

and sign a petition for better regulation of coal seam gas mining at GetUp

Both websites have more information about the hazards of coal seam gas extraction including the practise of fracking and how it can affect the water table, rivers and soil.  A report by Four Corners (ABC TV) earlier this year also highlights the dangers:  Farmers count the cost of coal seam gas rush

Still Lives by Rita Hall


This is a very beautiful exhibition by well-known Adelaide artist, Rita Hall.  According to the exhibition catalogue; “The works are a tribute to the art of Giorgia Morandi (1890 – 1964), who searched for the inner life of inanimate objects though his paintings and etchings.  Rita emulates the conceptual aspirations of Morandi and adds her own twist.” Continue reading Still Lives by Rita Hall